UK Residency and Tax Issues

Embark on a financial odyssey with the sage guidance of Dmitry Zapol, International Tax Advisor of IFS Consultants, as we unravel the intricacies of cross-border tax planning for US to UK movers. You're promised a treasure trove of strategies, from crafting clean capital to leveraging the non-dom rules. Dmitry's expertise shines as he dissects the optimal moments to arrange your tax affairs, the peculiarities of the UK's tax residency, and how foreign trusts are interpreted under British tax law. This session arms you with the knowledge to manage trust incomes and circumvent excessive taxation, ensuring that your transatlantic transition is as smooth as silk and financially sound.

Prepare to steer through the labyrinth of UK tax residency with precision, especially pertinent for those plotting to sell their enterprise and set sail for British shores. Our discourse navigates the momentous impact of tax years misalignment, the day count system, and the vital evidence required to confirm non-residency, shielding you from the prying eyes of tax authorities. Within this chapter, you'll gain insights into how to reside in the UK without falling into the tax resident net, and the intricacies of extending your permissible days. With Dmitry as our compass, we chart a course that helps you maintain your financial course without inadvertently inviting a tax tempest.

This podcast explores a fictitious case study centred around an entrepreneur’s ambition to develop a task management software company.  Click here to read the case study in full.

Dmitry will be examining this in greater detail at our upcoming conference in May.  Click here for full details of the conference and to book your ticket.