• governance



The IBSA is supported by its Secretariat which employs a small team of staff based in London. The Secretariat is responsible for the day-to-day running of the association, providing support to its members around the world.


Meet the Team

Roy Saunders

Founder and Chairman 

Since qualifying as a Chartered Accountant in 1967, Roy Saunders has accumulated a wealth of commercial experience working independently in commercial property, international tax, advertising and other industries. He is the Chairman of IFS, a boutique international tax practice based in central London. Academically, he is known throughout the world for his many books and publications, the foremost being his red book, International Tax Systems & Planning Techniques published by Sweet & Maxwell. Roy taught international business structuring at the University of London 2008-2013 as part of an MA course in international tax law.

Roy is very proud of the fascinating client base of entrepreneurial individuals that he has built up at IFS. He feels strongly about the role that ethical tax structuring plays in the growth of an economy, and that this needs to be better understood by the public at large. Roy founded the IBSA to enable business professionals around the world to discover new business relationships and promote best practice by creating sustainable business structures compliant with international transparency, corporate governance and social responsibility.



Lucie Saunders

Chief Operating Officer

Lucie is responsible for the day-to-day running of the IBSA, including membership enquiries, accounts, event organisation, and for managing the growing IBSA global community. Please get in touch with Lucie for all IBSA enquiries on 44 (0)7958 244 910  or at Lucie.Saunders@theibsa.org






The Global Committee comprises pivotal members of the association who help create develop the programme of activities and achieve the strategic ambitions of the IBSA.

1 member
Derren Joseph
Derren Joseph
Moores Rowland Asia Pacific
Jose Aguilar Shea
Jose Aguilar Shea
Walter Andreoni
Walter Andreoni
Roy Saunders
Roy Saunders
International Fiscal Services Ltd
Adam Smith
Adam Smith
Evelyn Partners
Jimmy Sexton
Jimmy Sexton
Esquire Group
Dmitry Zapol
Dmitry Zapol
IFS Consultants