A Summary of the Spring Budget 2024

Join us for a conversation that is as pivotal as it is timely, offering guidance for professionals and entrepreneurs amidst the UK's tax transformation.  Prepare to navigate the tectonic shifts in UK taxation as Joe Johnson of Evelyn Partners joins  Roy Saunders for a critical dissection of the altered financial landscape awaiting non-domiciled residents. Unlock the secrets of transitioning smoothly with the spring budget's latest reforms, including the end of the non-dom regime and the advent of a four-year foreign income gains exemption for new UK arrivals. Our discussion cuts through the complexities of these changes, offering a deep-dive into the transitional relief allowing current non-doms an advantageous tax rate on repatriated offshore income - a move with profound implications for individuals and trusts.


As we dissect the spring budget's ripple effects, you'll gain invaluable insights into the tax planning strategies imperative for non-doms. Joe Johnson's expertise illuminates the path ahead, from capital gains tax rebasing to the strategic use of trusts. We also probe the political undercurrents shaping these reforms, considering how the Conservative Party's policies might resonate with voters. Wrapping up, we turn our gaze to the horizon, where the IBSA annual conference looms, promising to cast new light on international business structuring in this evolving fiscal era. Click here for full details of the conference and to book your ticket.